We started off my birthday celebrations a few days early. I've been rather disappointed with the Australian beef since we arrived so I really wanted to go somewhere nice and just have an awesome steak. We ended up going to Black Hide Steakhouse in the city, owned by the same company that owns the restaurant that we had our seafood valentine's dinner and it was perfect! It may have been just slightly better than the seafood place because we didn't have baby bear with us. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE baby bear and would much rather take her with me most places, but a meal out with the BB is a lot of work for this momma. I got some much needed adult talk with the hubby and a delicious adult beverage.
I got to spend Saturday afternoon hanging out with my favorite BB in Brisbane.
A nice long stroll through the city isn't a bad way to spend a cloudy afternoon. BB took a long nap, and mama got some exercise in.
One of the many things I love about Brisbane is that they almost always have some kind of event going on. A lot of those events are free and great for kids. Today we ran into a Disney festival. They had all kinds of stuff set up including bouncy houses, mazes, coloring stations, places to sing along with "Frozen" songs, places to watch the movies, and a bunch of picnic rugs/tables and bean bag chairs to sit and enjoy lunch.
We very much enjoyed the Frozen area with some snow to play in.
And BB helped me color in an Olaf mask. I can't believe she's coloring already!
She still hasn't outgrown eating everything though!
I know a birthday means you get another year older and at a certain point that's not a good thing. But for now it's fun because lots of places help you celebrate with free yummy things! Hooray for a completely free afternoon at Southbank with fun activities and free lunch.
And our favorite dessert...Churros for two from San Churro!
The rest of our afternoon was spent walking up and down stairs (a favorite of BB's lately).
And playing at the awesome playground in QUT Gardens.
They have lots of musical instruments, and BB loved playing them all.
She has never been the type of baby that likes to crawl. She didn't start crawling until pretty late, and only briefly crawled around before learning to walk. And she very much prefers walking. So she has to think pretty hard about how to go about things, like how to go through this tunnel. She's now too tall to walk through, and tried first to squat and walk through but wasn't coordinated enough. On the third go she worked out that she would just have to crawl.
But when it comes to stairs, if you aren't standing right there to hold her hand so she can walk up like a big girl she will resort to crawling. Anything to get up those steps!
It was a wonderful afternoon with my babygirl!